Featured Demo Day


Demo Day: The Executive Guide to AI – Aragon Foresight AI

With: Jim Lundy, CEO and Lead Analyst

The rush to AI is here! With the growing interest in ChatGPT, enterprises are searching for answers on how to put AI to work.

Aragon Research has been covering artificial intelligence for over seven years. In this Demo Day on Thursday, September 28th, Aragon CEO and Founder, Jim Lundy, will provide a deep dive into Aragon Research's coverage of AI and provide a demo of our service that we refer to as Foresight.

Topics we will cover in this webinar include:

  • AI trends business leaders need to know.
  • Why intelligence matters in every business unit.
  • Demo of Aragon Foresight and how enterprises can leverage it for their business.
Watch On-Demand
The Executive Guide to AI: Aragon Foresight AI

On-Demand Demo Days

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Demo Day: Aragon Foresight

With: Jim Lundy, CEO

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 James Lundy, Client Success & Sales Manager

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Bob Sweeney, VP of Sales

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DTM and Blockchain: 3 Key Areas to Focus On

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