Hot Vendors in Mobile Messaging, 2014

Author: David Mario Smith
Date: July 1, 2014
Topics: Collaboration, Mobile
Research Note Number: 2014-26

Issue: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve?
Issue: What trends are influencing mobile computing in the enterprise?

Summary: Enterprise planners have to pay special attention to consumer and business mobile messaging trends as they affect business communication and collaboration.

Mobile messaging is an emerging space that is now being driven
in large part by a plethora of new consumer apps from the likes of
WhatsApp (bought by Facebook), WeChat (popular in China) and
SnapChat. Consumer messaging trends often predict what will
happen in the enterprise once critical mass is reached. Messaging
history is already repeating itself, and consumer tools like Skype
and Apple Facetime or iMessage are being used in enterprises for
business purposes.
Mobile messaging and communication apps are a disruptive force
in the telecom industry. They have challenged existing distribution
and revenue models. It was only a matter of time before this trend
would collide with enterprise messaging strategies. One indicator
of this was Biba’s release of its new mobile-first business
application for real-time communications between users.

View our latest Hot Vendors note here.

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