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The Race for Dashboard Displays Is On: Mercedes and the Hyperscreen

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by Adam Pease

Video displays are becoming commonplace throughout our working world and consumer life. While in the automotive world Tesla has been notorious for the sleek displays in its vehicles, Mercedes-Benz just topped its competitors with the reveal of the Hyperscreen. In this blog, we take a look at the new Mercedes vehicle display and consider what the rise of video displays may mean for 2021.

The Mercedes-Benz Hyperscreen

The new Mercedes-Benz Hyperscreen is 56 inches long. Its curved surface will replace the traditional vehicle dashboard with a touchscreen and voice-controlled interface. The OLED screen incorporates an AI-enabled learning system that gets to know the driver by recording behavior and then delivers a specifically-tailored driving experience based on that data.

Mercedes-Benz has attempted to blaze a new path by incorporating a virtual assistant into the driving experience.. Aragon has long suggested that virtual agents are the future of interfaces in the enterprise and consumer products, but it remains to be seen how effective Mercedes’ product will be. A virtual assistant dashboard that suggests bad advice could be annoying, or even worse, distracting for drivers trying to keep their eye on the road. On the other hand, an AI that effectively predicts driver requests could reduce stress and even promoter safer driving. As such, this could be a make or break use case for consumer adoption of virtual agents in 2021.

The Mercedes Benz Hyperscreen is a game changer.

Dashboard Displays and Beyond

Tesla led the market incorporating touchscreen displays into vehicles and now Mercedes-Benz is following suit with its bold offering. It remains to be seen how many automobile manufacturers will do the same, but many probably have their eyes on the Hyperscreen’s reception to gauge whether it is a worthwhile move or not.

The race is on. And while the Mercedes offering may be seen by many as a vanity item with its impressive 56 inches of screen real estate, the manufacturer aims to prove that it will bring real, important functionality to drivers.

Bottom Line

The new Mercedes Hyperscreen is a symptom of the gradual spread of screens throughout daily life. Science fiction has long imagined a future in which screens cover the surfaces of the home and workplace, providing embedded functionality. 2021 may be the year that we see whether or not consumers are ready for this future.

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