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August Aragon Cares: Morgan Hill Library Drive

Library Drive

By Kalyn Stockman

This month, for our Aragon Cares activity, team Aragon worked with The Friends of the Morgan Hill Library (FMHL) organization to gather books and participate in a month-long book drive!

Library Drive

Read on to see how this big stack of books ended up in our office!

Why Are Libraries Important?

In a world that is becoming increasingly virtual and technologically advanced, it is easy to overlook the benefits of libraries, which are often known for offering physical books and other resources. However, libraries provide many benefits to people of all ages and from all backgrounds.

  1. Libraries offer free educational resources 
  2. Libraries help connect communities
  3. Libraries help to improve reading and literacy skills for those who visit
  4. Libraries help to preserve history


The Friends of the Morgan Hill Library

The Friends of the Morgan Hill Library is a group of volunteers, founded in 1974, that works to enhance programs and facilities at the library in Morgan Hill, California (the city of Aragon’s headquarters!). They raise money to support the library through membership fees, donations, and book sales. The funds raised by the FMHL are then used for the purchase of materials and also to power programs that the library budget does not cover. 

When we got the news about the book drive that the FMHL was hosting, we knew we wanted to participate for our August Aragon Cares activity. Working remotely and with increased safety measures about face-to-face contact, we have been able to refocus our volunteer efforts on some opportunities we may not have considered before, because they are not as “hands-on” for us. However, these organizations are just as important and deserve our support!

Lessons Learned

The lesson that I, and my fellow Aragon team members, learned from this month’s activity is that it is important to expand your mindset about where you should be donating and dedicating your time and resources. It doesn’t have to be the charity with the most shocking or emotional backstory. It doesn’t have to be the biggest or most well-known organization. Sometimes it can be as easy as donating books… it may feel small, but many small organizations rely on people like us for support.

Aragon encourages you to research your local organizations and see how you can help! 

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