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I Got The COVID Vaccine


Getting the vaccine will accelerate our transition to a new normal.

by Betsy Burton

As I left my appointment after getting my second vaccine, the attending nurse happily said, “make sure to tell people you got vaccinated.” So here I am.

In recent weeks I have heard several people voice concerns about the COVID vaccine; there are plenty of stories. I know that there are some people who are feeling some side effects, from sore arm to a fever. There is also a small percentage that have a stronger reaction to the vaccine. But I thought it was worth sharing that I happen to be one of the 50+% that didn’t have any reaction.

If I pressed on my shoulder it felt a little tender, but that was it. Several of my family and friends have also gotten the vaccine with little to no reaction.

Enthusiastic Medical Staff

When I went to get my vaccines, it was a bit like a holiday in the medical center. After months of taking care of patients, the staff was understandably happy to see us get vaccinated. There were cheerful doctors and nurses administering the vaccine.

After you get your shot, you need to sit for 15 minutes.  When I took my 87 year old mother to get her second shot on Valentines Day, the doctors monitoring the room handed out candies to everyone. It was so great to have such joy after the past year.

Feeling A Bit More Normal

I am still wearing a mask in public, as well as regularly washing my hands and keeping social distance. But, it does feel like the constant feeling of concern has lifted a bit. I did errands the other day, and felt fairly normal. We ate lunch outside with distance and masks, and I felt completely comfortable.

I will also admit that it felt good to be part of the solution. As more of us are vaccinated, the more we can embark on our new normal.

Getting the vaccine will accelerate our transition to a new normal.

Bottom Line

To quote CDC, when it is your turn and your doctor approves, take the vaccine.

I am only a week after my second vaccine, but I am looking forward to sitting down at a table in-side with my mother, visiting my niece who is getting taller every day, and meeting my vaccinated friends. And, I look forward to a time that we can get the Aragon Research team together for an in-person research meeting and bowling game.

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