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Neuralink Brain Chip Implant: Don’t Ignore This Trend

By Betsy Burton


Neuralink Brain Chip Implant: Don’t Ignore This Trend

This week, Neuralink announced its first successful implantation in a human patient. Neuralink, with the majority ownership of Elon Musk, develops devices that it hopes can help individuals with severe brain damage or physical disabilities.

The Neuralink implant is placed in the part of the brain that controls movement. It is then trained to interpret a person’s neural activity into commands within a device. For example, you might be able to move a mouse on a computer without using your hands.

The company also promotes potential consumer usage, such as connecting to a friend, browsing the internet, or playing a game “just by thinking about it.” Musk also defined the concept of “neural lace” as a digital layer above the cortex of the brain, with the ultimate goal of integrating AI directly into a human brain.

Human Augmentation/Instrumentation Devices

Implanted devices are not new. We’ve had implanted hearing devices for people with severe hearing impairments. There are nervous system amplifying devices for people with MS. And there are several devices for heart issues.

There are also devices that translate nerve signals into movement of an artificial limb (source).

With advancements in chip technologies, microsurgeries, solid-state memory, and batteries, human instrumentation technologies are clearly on the rise. The medical, wellness, and fitness fields are fertile ground for human instrumentation.

So, what do we think of this? Are you ready and willing?

Individuals With Severe Disabilities

There are many people with severe physical disabilities who I’m sure welcome the opportunity to see how this technology might improve their lives. However, some may be wary, particularly of brain implants.

For perspective, the current view on Cochlear implants is mixed among users. Some view it as a life changer; while others find the constant noise in their head distracting, especially in noisy rooms, windy days, and places with background music.

The challenge is that once in your brain, it is there. Do you trust that the provider of this technology has really worked out all the issues?

For Consumers

In 2022, the global fitness and wellness industry was $5.6 trillion. There will likely be any number of technology and service providers who will be more than happy to help you achieve your fitness and wellness dreams.

Imagine an implanted device helping to improve your golf game or augmenting your strategic thinking about a football play with AI capabilities.

But do you want to control your computer with your mind? What happens to the data collected from your thoughts? What if you think something you don’t actually want to happen – such as harming someone? Are you liable, or even criminal?

Do you want your own personal agent in your head? Are your thoughts your own, or have they become the domain/ownership of the device provider?

There are so many questions; it’s dizzying. The good news is embedded chips in the brain for the consumer world are a few years away……..but it is likely just a few years away.

Bottom Line

I know I’ve posed more questions today than I’ve answered. The reason is that this is a new world.

The big challenge in my mind is that the technology and the desire of providers to offer (commercialize) this technology are going to move much faster than our abilities as humans to understand the implications, evaluate the ethics, define governance, and create appropriate regulations and restrictions.

I would leave you with one thought: this is no longer far-off science fiction.

This technology is emerging now. As technology and business leaders, we need to understand the implications, opportunities, risks, and rewards to our businesses, employees, partners, family and self now, not when it is already commonplace.

2024 is the Year of Virtual Agents for the Contact Center!

Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10 AM PT | 1 PM ET


Contact Center 2024 – Why You Need AI Virtual Agents

2024 marks the year of Virtual Agents for Contact Centers. Building them has become easier than ever, addressing a significant challenge – handling repetitive queries.

Join us in this insightful webinar where Aragon CEO and Lead Analyst, Jim Lundy, delves into the importance of virtual agents, their capabilities, and guides you on selecting a provider for building them.

Key topics for discussion include:

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