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The Challenge to Combat Circular Bias in AI Systems

AI Bias

By Ken Dulaney

The Challenge to Combat Circular Bias in AI Systems

Let’s say you are looking for a product on a website. You look at the stars rating and it shows 5 stars but there are a few ratings of 1 star. Would you buy the product? Probably because the positive consensus is strong. However many reviews happen early in the product purchase. The 1-star rating might have come from someone who has used the product for a longer term and had insights into cases where the product does not perform as expected.

When Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are built, the above rating material and descriptions will become part of the training material and most certainly reinforce the positive aspects of the product. Then as bloggers and influencers offer product opinions, certainly in the future using AI to gather information, those reviews likely will skew further toward the positive which in turn will become future training material for the AI systems other product reviewers might use.

However, a competent journalist would likely mention the unfortunate experiences and qualify why such experiences should be given attention, namely because of the depth of use by the reviewer. The journalist might also offer implications of the negative review and why it might hold more weight than the sheer number of positive reviews.

Circular bias, where an AI system’s outputs reinforce the biases present in its training data, is a major challenge in AI development. Here are some ways technologists are working to combat it:

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Bottom Line

Combating circular bias is an ongoing area of research, but these techniques offer promising avenues for building fairer and more reliable AI systems.

However, combatting circular bias will largely be relegated to the user to closely examine AI output relative to the task input to the algorithm. Web searches to assess the raw data can be useful to rationalize the AI output against human common sense, although the reviewers themselves must guard against personal bias. Team reviews may be the best choice before any such AI output is put into production and dissemination.





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