Business and IT Glossary > Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) Federation
Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) Federation
Cross-platform instant messaging (IM), presence, and overall unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) interoperability has been an ongoing problem that has yet to be dealt with by technology providers. While open standards such as XMPP and SIP exist, UC&C vendors have not embraced them all in the same way. Instead, they have created proprietary extensions to open standards that then cease to be open when implemented.
We define UC&C federation as connecting two or more disparate UC&C platforms for multimodal communication among users. At the heart of this connection is presence federation, which allows users to share presence information from different platforms.
UC&C federation is one of the best ways to bridge disparate presence-based UC&C platforms so that users in separate organizations can interact and communicate with each other. As enterprises invest in business-class IM and presence systems from providers such as Cisco, IBM, and Microsoft, the issue of interoperability still exists between enterprise IM and presence platforms.
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