October Aragon Cares: Guide Dogs for the Blind
According to guidedogs.com, it takes 251 volunteers to help a single puppy become a guide dog. With multiple millions of people in the US who are blind, and many more with visual impairments, imagine how much effort it takes to train enough dogs to help those who need it.
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB), an organization based in San Rafael, CA, offers “world-class client services and a robust network of instructors, puppy raisers, donors, and volunteers” to “prepare highly qualified guide dogs, provide guide dog readiness skills, and offer youth programs to empower individuals who are blind or visually impaired” (https://www.guidedogs.com/meet-gdb/about-us). On top of providing these crucial services free of charge, GDB also works to change the way that people commonly view blindness and disabilities.
Since its founding in 1942, over 16,000 dogs have graduated from the GDB program to become certified guide dogs! Guide dogs help to guide people who are blind or visually impaired wherever they go, helping them avoid obstacles and providing an overall sense of safety and independence!
Photo from https://www.guidedogs.com/
How We Helped
After learning all about GDB, team Aragon knew that this is an amazing organization to donate to! Monetary donations help “raise puppies, equip clients, and serve alumni”. Since all services are free of charge to GDB clients, monetary donations are very crucial to keep this wonderful organization running at its fullest potential.
How You Can Help
Adorable puppies and life-changing services?! If you aren’t convinced by now, we encourage you to check out the GDP website to learn more about the organization and even donate if you feel so inclined!
P.S.–One way to volunteer includes puppy raising, which means you get to take home an 8-week old puppy to raise through its first year or so of life, teach them important skills, and return them to find their forever home as an official guide dog! Yes, please!
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