Video is one of the most sought-after types of content. Its interactive quality makes it ideal for the Digital Workplace, where knowledge workers need a personal way to communicate and collaborate when they do not find themselves in the same location, which is often.
What makes video so accessible is its ease of use—anyone with a smartphone can create a professional-grade video. Because of this, video has infiltrated all areas of business, including Sales, where sales reps can record and send a video proposal or introduction to a prospective client instead of relying on a voice-only call.
Enterprises have finally begun to make video a priority. While Video Content Management served as the entry point for getting started with video, today’s enterprises require more. They need to be able to manage the full life cycle of video—from capture to live broadcast to archival footage.
This Special Report, the Rise of Video in Collaboration, highlights the direction that video-enabled collaboration is headed in, and calls out the applications, technologies, and vendors who are making this level of collaboration possible.
The Future of Unified Communications and Collaboration Is Mobile and Video
Although voice and email communications dominate interactions within the enterprise today, the shift to video and messaging-based UCC is already taking place. Today, what business users want is Real-time Collaboration. UC has always encompassed a voice-led product offering but as the market has shifted, buyers no longer want just voice—they want Video, Collaboration, and Mobile, which is more than UC can provide.
This research note identifies the new elements of UCC and how enterprises can plan for the shift to multi-modal communications.
Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Collaboration, 2016
Collaboration has always been about people, but increasingly, it’s about helping people get more work done. The current convergence of collaboration technologies around cloud and mobile is driving the emerging mobile collaboration space. Mobile collaboration apps combine multiple collaboration modes such as real-time, social, and text in a single UI, presenting a collaborative continuum that focuses on human interaction.
The Aragon Research Technology Arc for Collaboration will help you to identify important technologies and applications, choose which ones to monitor, and determine the potential benefits of each. The Technology Arc also adds extra dimensions that help you decide when, why, and how you should adopt these technologies. This Tech Arc is specific to the collaboration domain.
The Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Video, 2016: Managing the Explosion of Video Content
With Video approaching a stage where it is accessible all of the time, the need for Video in the enterprise has consequentially evolved. With Video-enabled mobile endpoints firmly in place and network connectivity gradually increasing, the need for live and recorded video content is growing by five times each year. Managing all types of Video has become a top enterprise priority, and we have witnessed the Video Content Market morph to support this need.
With Live Video supported by nearly every major provider, we have arrived at a point where the market is now referred to as Enterprise Video. The third annual Aragon Research Globe™ for Enterprise Video analyzes 16 providers who have been innovating in a market where the need for live and recorded video content is growing by five times each year.