Table of Contents
About the 2016 Technology Arc
Classifying a Technology's Potential Impact
Phase 1: Emerge
Phase 2: Adopt
Phase 3: Mature
Aragon Advisory
Bottom Line
Pages - 29
The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Mobile and IoT, 2016
Today, it’s normal for most professionals to carry more than one mobile device. The era of IoT has allowed people to collaborate and stay connected on the go, while also enabling information to be accessed anywhere, at any time, and on any device.
Work is done more often than not outside the office, and new technologies have arisen to both enhance this mobile working experience that we have all become familiar with.
The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT) will help you to identify important technologies, choose which technologies to monitor, and determine the potential benefits of each. This third edition features 41 technology profiles that are split between the emerging, adopting, and mature arcs.