Table of Contents
The Current State of Communications and Collaboration
UCC Enables Real-Time Collaboration
Cloud-based UCC is the future
Web and Video Conferencing
Enterprise Video is on the Rise
Video-enabled Business Applications
Mobile Collaboration
The UCC Platform
Context and Performance are Key
Getting Started with UCC
Aragon Advisory
Bottom Line
Pages = 9
The Future of UCC and the Rise of Platforms: Making Communications and Collaboration Part of the New Work Experience
The market for communications is shifting to one in which multi-modal interactions will become the norm. Voice, Video, Messaging Communications, and Collaboration will drive the future of this market. As Messaging becomes a larger part of the communications landscape, Mobile Collaboration will be poised to take on a larger enterprise role, by way of shifting email to more of a confirmation tool. Moreover, the convergence of content types under UCC will be greatly enhanced by a categorized and dynamic, ontology-driven knowledge framework that goes beyond search. Once the framework supports are in place, UCC will accelerate its momentum at an even greater rate than it already is today.
This Research Note identifies the new elements of UCC and why UCC Platforms are emerging as a way to integrate UCC features into business applications.