The nature of work is evolving more rapidly than ever before. Exploding user demand, the pace at which technology is changing, and the understanding individuals now possess and bring with them, including their own tools, all combine for a potential revolution in the workplace.
Workplace Topic Issues
•What are the macro trends impacting the evolution of work?
•What are the technologies and architectures that enterprises should leverage in the workplace?
•What are the best practices for enabling a high productivity work environment?
Research Agenda – Upcoming Research
– Facebook is not a friend of your Enterprise.
– One size does not fit all: Understanding Knowledge Worker Segmentation.
– Workplace in the Cloud: Becoming Clear or Rampant Diversity?
Workplace Published Research
Preparing for the Next Generation Workplace Link
Who Will Lead the Workplace Revolution Link
Five Forces Impacting Work and Why You Can’t Ignore Them Link
Respond Quickly to the Workplace Revolution Link
Coping With the Rapidly Changing Workplace: Call to Action Link