Hot Vendors in Video, Mobile and Real-time Collaboration, 2014

Author: David Mario Smith
Date: June 12, 2014
Topic: Collaboration
Research Note Number: 2014-19

Issue: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve?

Summary: The collaboration market continues to innovate, with new vendors emerging to fill critical gaps left by major UCC players.

The focus of collaboration has shifted from the desktop to cloud
and mobile. Mobile messaging has triggered an innovative

paradigm shift, leaving traditional collaboration vendors in catch-
up mode. Cloud and mobile have democratized access to

collaboration tools, as individuals bring in familiar tools from their
personal lives to use for business purposes.
Video has become not only a medium for real-time interaction
between people, but also a collaboration mode and content type
whose value increases in its ability to be reused for learning and
training. Lines of business such as marketing use real-time video
in webcasts and webinars to engage customers and prospects.
These events are then captured and made available on demand
to provide continued business value.

The Hot Vendors for 2019 Part II research note can be found here.
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