Table of Contents
About the 2016 Technology Arc
Classifying a Technology's Potential Impact
Figure 1: Aragon Research Technology Arc for Sales and Marketing, 2016
Phase 1: Emerge
Phase 2: Adopt
Phase 3: Mature
Aragon Advisory
Bottom Line
Pages – 31
Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Sales and Marketing, 2016
Aragon Research introduces its 2016 Technology Arc for Sales and Marketing. This second edition features 46 technology profiles that are split between the emerging, adopting, and mature arcs.
Sales and marketing organizations now know that they must harness the right technologies to achieve their results. Technology budgets have increased for the CMO role; sales, supported by marketing, is also investing. For this reason, companies are looking for sales and marketing executives who know how to harness technology to grow the business.
Our second edition of the Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Sales and Marketing will help executives decide which technologies will be most beneficial to leverage. This report will help you identify important technologies, choose which ones to monitor, and determine their potential benefits. It also adds extra dimensions that will help you to decide when, why, and how you should adopt them.
Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Sales and Marketing, 2016
Predicting the future of Sales and Marketing
Author: Jim Lundy
Research Note Number: 2016-8
Length: 31 Pages