Business and IT Glossary > Customer Journey Mapping (CJM)
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM)
Customer journey mapping (CJM) is one of the easiest onramps to digital and is essential to complete before a major customer experience redesign. Customer journey maps are visuals or graphics that depict the customer relationship with a company, their service, and their product over time.
At the core of a great customer experience is the customer journey, and how an organization's processes, systems, and people interact with its customers. Because digital provides the opportunity to acquire new customers through better user experiences and new business models, customer journey mapping can be use used for both existing and acquiring new customers.
CJM technologies can help organizations identify pain points in customer journeys faster through digitally supported journey maps. These essential maps become the plan for effective digital implementation that supports collaboration to build consensus and commitment for the end game integrated journey. Technology can inform the map with data to shape opinions as well as the resulting target journeys and incremental transformation efforts.
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