Business and IT Glossary  > Governance


Governance is the discipline of managing regulatory requirements, roles and responsibilities, investments, organizational structure, risk management, and performance management (metrics) to achieve business outcomes, including business goals and strategy, operations, compliance, etc. 

Governance is dynamic and should be a continually evolving strategy. C-level executives must understand that changing business context, including business strategy, emerging technologies, industry, economics, regulatory requirements, and culture, all need to be considered in their governance discipline.

Related Research

Aragon Research’s Governance Framework: Achieving Business Outcomes

In this note, we explore the evolution of the governance discipline, and introduce Aragon Research’s Governance Framework. We created this framework to help clients understand what elements need to be considered as part of a highly effective governance discipline.

Related Webinar

How To Define An Effective Governance Discipline

Governance continues to be a critical issue for every business in all industries. However, many business and tech leaders struggle to define an effective governance discipline due to the lack of business strategy, and, surprisingly, the lack of leadership will.