Hot Vendors in Digital Experience Management, 2015

Author: David Mario Smith
Date: July 22, 2015
Topic: Content Management
Research Note Number: 2015-30

Issue: Who are the Content Management providers and how will they evolve?

Summary: To create a better customer experience, give them a better digital experience when they interact with you. Our 2015 Hot Vendors in Digital Experience Management help companies create better digital experiences.

The Importance of Content In Context

For prospects and customers, digital experiences encompass all interactions in the social, mobile enterprise environment. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is the primary manager of the customer experience, and because business strategies are so deeply affected by customer and prospect engagement, the role of the CMO has increased in significance and influence. CMOs and marketing professionals tell us how crucial providing the right digital experience is.

They also tell us how vital a role content plays as a central part of the strategic synergy between sales and marketing professionals and everyone who interacts with the enterprise online – not only with the company web site but through every social and mobile channel as well.

To enhance a digital experience, content has to be relevant in the context of who the user is, where they are coming from (in both the literal and metaphorical senses) and what they are doing. This goes beyond ordinary click-track personalization to encompass the user’s history, status and current role (prospect, customer, renewal candidate, upsell candidate, etc.).

Archived Research.
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