Questions and Answers on the Rise of Video Learning

Author: Jim Lundy
Date: December 11, 2014
Topic: Knowledge
Research Note Number: 2014-50

Issue: How can enterprises take advantage of new ways to share knowledge?

Summary: Video learning is becoming one of the fastest-growing uses for video content in enterprises. Business leaders looking to transfer knowledge have to leverage video.

Why is the demand for video learning increasing?

Enterprises have begun to realize that traditional learning methods are inadequate to meet the increasing need for knowledge transfer. Many of today’s workers are retiring or in transition, and a lot of what they know is intuitive. That knowledge is better ‘caught than taught,’ and video is the best way to do that because it has the unique ability to show rather than tell people how something is done.

Note: This note is part of our archived research.
You can view up to date information by visiting our Enterprise Video page.