Segmenting Sales Enablement: Increased Sales Results with New Business Apps

Author: Jim Lundy
Date: December 29th, 2015
Topic: Sales Enablement
Research Note Number: 2015-54

Issue: What are the key trends in Sales Enablement?

Summary: There are a growing number of Business Applications that Sales Organizations are beginning to depend on in order to achieve their desired business outcomes. Aragon offers a way to segment and categorize these applications in this burgeoning market.

Sales is the one part of an enterprise – that when it is not delivering on its objectives, it can have a dramatic impact on the firm. Most of the focus the last ten years has been on Digitizing marketing. Sales was left to fend for itself and as a result there were often mixed results when it came to augmenting the traditional tools to drive toward faster and better sales outcomes. The explosion of Sales Enablement tools can create confusion for sales reps and for sales operations who need to figure out what they should buy. This Research Note identifies the key applications that make up Sales Enablement and identifies a shift toward a Sales Engagement Suite.

Note: This research note is part of our archived research.
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