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Special Report: 2016 Technology Arcs™

Our Technology Arcs™ for 2016 are essential guides to technology for both business and IT leaders.

Updated each year, our Technology Arcs™ will help you to determine which new and mature applications you should be paying attention to, and our parameters will help you to decide which technologies to adopt, and when and how you should adopt them.

Each of these reports specializes in a different area of technology across the digital workplace.

At the broadest level is our Technology Arc™ for the Digital Workplace, which overviews a wide scope of technologies applicable to areas such as sales communications, video conferencing, and more.

Moving into more specialized areas are our Technology Arcs™ for Collaboration and Mobile, which evaluate applications in these two areas of the market, respectively. This Special Report will be updated each time a new Technology Arc™ is published for 2016.

The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for the Digital Workplace, 2016

The Technology Arc™ for the Digital Workplace highlights and reviews the key technologies and products that enable work to get done and deliver business value.

In 2016, technology will continue to focus on business outcomes. Business planners have to understand user needs and the potential impact of emerging technologies and applications. Business leaders responsible for planning have to be clear on the potential transformative power of even the newest technology categories, as it could mean a powerful competitive advantage or misstep in strategy. This fourth edition of the Technology Arc™ for the Digital Workplace features 58 technology profiles.

The Technology Arc for the Digital Workplace

The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Collaboration, 2016

With collaboration technologies converging, presence and identity will be increasingly important across applications as a unique identifier. The integration of real-time functions into business applications and processes is an emerging characteristic that puts collaborative interactions into context. This is more than just using communication to enable a business process. This integration embeds the full range of communication and collaboration capabilities into every phase of every business process.

This fourth edition of the Technology Arc™ for Collaboration features 45 technology profiles that are split between the emerging, adopting, and mature arcs. The growth of mobile collaboration, the need for predictive capabilities in the enterprise, and the expansion of video and virtual reality technologies are things to watch.

The Technology Arc for Collaboration

The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Mobile and IoT, 2016

Today, it’s normal for most professionals to carry more than one mobile device. The era of IoT has allowed people to collaborate and stay connected on the go, while also enabling information to be accessed anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Work is done more often than not outside the office, and new technologies have arisen to both enhance this mobile working experience that we have all become familiar with.

This fourth edition of the Technology Arc™ for Mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT) features 41 technology profiles that are split between the emerging, adopting, and mature arcs. IoT is an increasing focus in this report, as it begins to span across consumer, industrial, and healthcare markets.

The Technology Arc for Mobile and IoT

The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Digital Transaction Management and Content Management, 2016

Featuring 43 technology profiles in the DTM and CM markets, this inaugural report examines how to manage content in the midst of the shift to taking enterprise processes fully digital. When we look at Digital Transaction Management, it is often business executives who are spearheading the conversation around the shift to digital—they understand that ensuring content is completely digital speeds up transactions.

The challenge is that as more content moves to DTM, the need to manage that content outside of the narrow scope of a specific transaction event (e.g., a decision, approval and/or signature) becomes greater.

The Technology Arc for DTM and CM

The Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Sales and Marketing, 2016

Sales and marketing organizations now know that they must harness the right technologies to achieve their results. Technology budgets have increased for the CMO role; sales, supported by marketing, is also investing. For this reason, companies are looking for sales and marketing executives who know how to harness technology to grow the business.

Our second edition of the Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Sales and Marketing will help executives decide which technologies will be most beneficial to leverage.

The Technology Arc for Sales and Marketing

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