Economists say money doesn’t do anything until it moves, and the same goes for information. Your business is not just the people in the organization; it’s what goes on between them. Just look at the language: transaction; interaction. The action is in the spaces, not the endpoints. For IT, helping people get their work done means helping them find each other, connect with each other, understand each other and get things done together. Isolation kills productivity; collaboration enables it.
Collaborating On The Move
Mobile collaboration has taken root in the enterprise. People want to work in planes, on trains, on the beach, at home. If you have a mobile device, the “office” is wherever you happen to be when you want to do something. See how this is transforming the workplace and the way we get things done in The Future of Collaboration Is Mobile.
Making Cloud Collaboration Pay Off
You can realize significant savings by moving to cloud-based web and video conferencing options. “Significant” as in up to 50 percent! A lot of business units are buying ad hoc conference time without company-wide coordination. Enterprises can consolidate those purchases and tie them to business processes with video-enabled business applications (VEBAs) to lower the total cost of collaboration and increase ROI. Find out how Web and video conferencing can be a Hidden TCO Gold Mine.
Using The Collaboration Toolbox
Collaboration technologies can sometimes be so dazzling that they distract us from the real business of communicating. But regardless of how they are implemented, there are really just four core modes of human interaction that combine to support communication and facilitate collaboration: text, voice, video, and web conferencing. Every collaboration initiative should be about helping people write, talk, see each other, and look at what they are doing together. Get back to basics with Four Building Blocks of Collaborative Interaction.
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