Author: Jim Lundy Date: June 12, 2014
Topics: Collaboration, Mobile Research Note Number: 2014-17
Issue: How can enterprises leverage mobile ecosystems to gain a competitive advantage?
Issue: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve?
The ability to create content and also collaborate is key. A new generation of tools is making it easy to create rich content or to collaborate, all from the comfort of your tablet or smartphone.
The world of Content Authoring is heating up and in 2014, the focus is on Mobile. Most view the tablet as a consumption device, but that is changing. As more startups realize the power that is under the hood of a tablet device, they are harnessing the increasingly powerful processor, as well as the mobile device hardware (camera, gyroscope) to create a new class of app that previously was the domain of only a PC or Laptop.
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