Laying the Groundwork for Your Enterprise Sales Strategy
As businesses continue to shape strategies to increase revenue, the market for sales technologies will continue to grow. While many sales leaders have adopted sales enablement tools or a unified, streamlined sales engagement platform to digitize their sales process, until now they’ve had to rely on a traditional learning management system (LMS) or their own approach to manually onboard, train, and manage their sales teams.
Sales leaders realize that successful selling starts with their people—and that means having a well-prepared sales representative who is up to date on product knowledge and client needs before they go into a sales call. This year, Aragon Research is seeing the rise of a new category, sales coaching and learning, that aims to make learning a continuous part of a sales person’s routine.
With a sales coaching and learning platform, managers will be able to launch a consistent and repeatable sales coaching and training program. Sales coaching and learning platforms offer on-boarding, skill building, and regular knowledge reinforcement via role plays and skill reinforcement sessions (flash drills). This will allow managers to train their new sales reps to perform as well as skilled salespeople in no time, and will be critical in helping them to address performance issues.
This Special Report will help chief revenue officers and sales leaders determine how to pick the best sales engagement platforms for their team, how to best train and coach their reps, and what technologies are emerging and being adopted in the market that can help them accomplish this.
Sales engagement platforms represent a new category that offers a targeted digital work hub for sales teams that improves productivity and streamlines customer journeys. This research note will help sales leaders become familiar with the technology providers that allow an enterprise to manage all aspects and touchpoints of the sales process.
The skills needed to sell and to convey product knowledge, particularly ever-evolving information, means that salespeople need to constantly be learning and practicing their delivery. There are new platforms that enable this digitally—called sales coaching and learning platforms. This research note will introduce you to this new market and help you begin to evaluate providers that are right for your sales training needs.
Sales and marketing have evolved into major technology buying centers as new categories that enable business logic and processes have emerged. This research note will help you understand and identify important sales and marketing technologies focused on improving certain work-related tasks, and when and how to implement them.