Microsoft Power Platform SWOT Analysis

Research Note

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In this note, we dig deeper into Microsoft Power Platform through both a strategy analysis and a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). In addition, we focus on actionable advice for end-user organizations and technology and service providers (TSPs).

We are increasingly hearing both end-user and technology and service provider organizations using Microsoft Power Platform to develop digital business solutions. At the same time, we are seeing much clearer market messaging and a stronger commitment to this market from Microsoft.

End-user and TSP organizations should consider Power Platform on their short list for evaluation, and must be mindful of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats highlighted here relative to their strategy and requirements.


Research Note Details

Topic: Digital Business Platform
Issues: What architecture should organizations use to define, develop, and deploy a digital business platform?
Research Note Number: 2020-10

Length: 8 pages
File Size: 2 MB
File Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Language: English
Publisher: Aragon Research

VP Research Betsy Burton

Betsy Burton, VP Research

Jim Lundy






Jim Lundy, CEO