Best Practices for Conducting Webinars

Learn how webinars can be the ultimate lead generators

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Interest in real-time web and video conferencing has exploded now that most devices are equipped with cameras. Enterprises are moving to leverage this technology, often led by business units using consumer services to race ahead of their IT shops. The marketing webinar has become a key use for these ad hoc deployments, but CMOs and digital marketing leaders quickly learn two things. The first is that most consumer services lack the necessary features to deliver full business value, and that they need to invest in more robust and focused tools. The second is that effective webinars require planning, preparation and trained participants with a mix of technical and non- technical skills. This toolkit will help producers put together the right tools, staff and skills to create webinars that deliver their full potential value.


Content marketing is in the midst of an explosion, and one of the most popular content types for marketing professionals is the webinar. However, while many enterprises count on webinars as part of their marketing mix, most don’t take advantage of easy ways to get the maximum interaction with their audience.

Webinars can be the ultimate lead generators. In many marketing processes, a lead that attends a webinar is scored the highest. Because of the time and investment a prospect is making to attend a webinar, it is critical that the webinar itself be executed flawlessly. Early investments in tools, content, process and scheduling will lead to more interested prospects and higher attendance over time.

This toolkit discusses the critical roles that marketing webinars can play, such as lead scoring, and the steps you can take to ensure their success, including onboarding attendees, executing the webinar and the critical roles of the moderator and presenter, and the post-webinar follow-up.

Toolkit Note Details

Topic: Collaboration
Issue: What are the best practices for enterprise webinars?
Research Note Number: 2021-T09

Length: 12 pages
File Size: .25 MB
File Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Language: English
Publisher: Aragon Research

Jim Lundy

Jim Lundy, CEO and Lead Analyst

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