Special Report: Collaboration in the Enterprise, from Social to Mobile
More than anything, people need to collaborate to get work done. Collaboration in the enterprise is evolving to take advantage of the changing computing and technology landscape.
This Special Report overviews three different research notes from Aragon on all things collaboration.
Mobile Collaboration on the Rise
If there is any trend that is happening now, it is the shift to messaging as the new way to collaborate—and to do it faster. There are tons of reasons for the rise of mobile collaboration and Aragon is one of the first research firms to identify and evaluate this major shift in collaboration.
In our new report, the Tech Spectrum for Mobile Collaboration, we evaluate 13 major players who are making a difference in this new category. Read more here.
Trends in Collaboration and the rise of Real-time PaaS
Making collaboration contextual has always been a challenge and the reason is that applications were not easy to integrate. Platforms are becoming the way of connecting services and collaboration is no exception.
The rise of UCC platforms as a service marks a turning point for collaboration in the enterprise. In our research note titled Trends in Real-time Collaboration and Communications PaaS, we make the case for the shift to platforms and with it, integration of UCC into existing applications.
Social Software: Knowledge at the Core
Social networks are starting to become better understood in the enterprises that have deployed them properly. It isn’t about the be-all-and-end-all of collaborating; it’s about the way for people to access knowledge. In our third annual report titled, The Aragon Research Globe for Social Software 2015: Knowledge at the Core, we discuss this shift and evaluate 22 major ESN Providers.
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