Emerging Technologies: The Rise of Voice Analytics

Research Note

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Conversations are the core of every business. However, few organizations are able to leverage these conversations. The emerging analytics market addresses these challenges by enabling organizations to predict customer behavior using computer listening capabilities. Here we identify the market of voice analytics tools.

Human-to-human conversations are still one of the dominant forms of communication and collaboration today. However, most organizations are not able to utilize this potentially valuable resource as an asset because they have no methods to analyze these conversations. As a result, these conversations are lost as a potential source of new business, innovations, operations, and insights. This note explores the potential benefits and challenges of the emerging market of voice analytics tools.

Voice is an underutilized resource that, when successfully leveraged, can offer significant value for enterprises. The conversations that take place between business and clients today are chalk full of analytics and information that can be used as valuable feedback for enterprises. Knowing how voice analytics is leveraged today and the benefits of it are an important step to understanding how voice analytics can make a difference in your enterprise.


Research Note Details

Topic: Voice Analytics
Issues: What is voice analytics and how is it impacting the enterprise?
Research Note Number: 2019-29

Length: 10 pages
File Size: 2.4 KMB 
File Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Language: English
Publisher: Aragon Research

Samra Anees Headshot

Samra Anees, Associate Analyst