Microsoft vs. Google is a battle that is far from over. In 2014, SaaS based Cloud applications are quickly becoming one of the dominant choices for office work. It wasn’t always that way. As short as 2 years ago, there was still doubt as to whether or not Cloud was really the way to go. Now, with Cloud as the new way forward, the war for the office is being fought at an increased level between Microsoft and Google.
Our special report on Microsoft vs. Google is an update to research we published 2 years ago. At that point, Microsoft was just getting ready to release its 3rd iteration of Office 365. Since that time, Microsoft has been totally focused on driving its customers to the Office 365 Cloud and has been winning back accounts from Google.
Microsoft vs. Google: Office Strikes Back
In our lead research note for this Special Report, we provice a complete update on Microsoft vs. Google and the various Cloud options that they both offer. We titled this “Office Strikes Back” in part because Microsoft has been so focused and has won at least 400 accounts back from Google at our last count. In our Research Note titled Google vs. Microsoft: Office 365 Strikes Back we highlight and profile the changes to both product suites and discuss the pros and cons of using both.
Microsoft vs. Google : Is Price enough for Google in 2014?
In our second featured Research Note, we discuss the pricing aspect between the Google Apps for Business and Microsoft Office 365. While Google still offers the lowest price for its Suite, Microsoft is offering new versions of Office 365 that now includes desktop and mobile apps in certain editions. Read more about the price war between Microsoft and Google here.
So the Microsoft vs. Google battle continues. There are multiple things that need to be considered before making a vendor selection and our Research will help you get there.
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