The Future of Digital Transaction Management Includes Content Automation and Blockchain
Today for B2B enterprises, documents are still the currency of conducting business. For this reason, Aragon recommends prioritizing the automation of documents and document processes first because they stand to have the greatest effect on business. Digital Transaction Management is a key way to begin this process.
Digital Transaction Management (DTM) is all about moving from paper-based document processes to fully digital ones to enable digital execution of transaction processes.
Today, there are new technologies coming online such as Blockchain and Workflow and Content Automation that are paving the way for the future of the Digital Transaction Management market.
Use this Special Report to help you get started with Digital Transaction Management so that you can begin transforming the way you do business in a manageable, practical way.
Blockchain is a Digital Operating System that allows all parties to see transactions as they occur. While Blockchain is in early stages, we see a direct intersection with Digital Transaction Management. Our research note identifies three areas that enterprises need to watch, including Smart Contracts.
Workflow and Content Automation (WCA) is a complement to and extension of Digital Transaction Management capabilities that extend the automation of a document-centric transaction process to the collaboration of the people and interaction with the diverse content involved in a process. If you have already begun implementing DTM, WCA should be the next implementation phase of your transformation strategy. This research note will help you understand the components of WCA and how to get started.