Tablet Wars are not new, but it is becoming clear that the race to innovate in Tablets is due as much to the updates that are enabled in the Mobile Operating Systems that power them. Tablets in 2013 are not new – they are becoming commonplace. Even with that, they are showing up for the jobs that are more mobile – and that includes Sales and Management.
Mobile Operating Systems are the innovation engine for mobile devices and we devote two different research notes to the shifts in both Apple and Google’s respective Operating Systems. Our new special report covers the gamut from Tablets, to the new updates in Mobile Operating Systems, to the emergence of Wearable Devices.
Tablet Wars – Part III
We are in the middle of the Tablet era and things are just getting started. In the third year of Tablet introductions, the Tablet Wars are heating up. The iPad is no longer the only game in town. Microsoft is battling for a seat at the table as Android devices continue to be in demand thanks to Google and Samsung. In our Research Note titled Tablet Wars Part III: Google, Apple and Microsoft Fight New Battles we discuss the latest round of the Tablet Wars.
Apple iOS 7 Fuels New Innovation
Apple isn’t standing still on the innovation front and iOS 7 is a major reflection of that. While many in the press panned the release, we focused on Innovation, including but not limited to the fact that iOS 7 is the first 64 Bit Mobile Operating System. In our Research Note titled Apple’s 2013 Fall Announcements: iOS 7 Powers Innovation In New Devices we analyze new capabilities, such as TouchID that are helping to power new capabilities on Apple devices, such as the iPhone 5s. We also discuss what is missing. All in all, some in-depth analysis of the state of Apple’s new OS, including observations about the impact of a 64 Bit OS.
KitKat – A Glimpse into the future of Android
Google did a funny thing on October 31st. They quietly released a new version of Android – version 4.4, which goes by the nickname KitKat. KitKat is significant for several reasons, the least of which is because it is so much better at memory management. That makes many hopeful that Carriers will harmonize around it the way that end users have with the latest version of iOS. In our Research Note titled Android KitKat: Seven Features That Make It a Big Deal we analyze the improvements that make this the best version of Android so far.
Wearable Computing – Computers poised to help Humans
The Wearable Computing era is still in its early stages, but it isn’t hard to see where things are headed. From watches, to glasses and more, wearable computing form factors will emerge in 2014 that will change the computing landscape forever. In our research note titled Wearable Computing and Intelligent Assistants we discuss devices, but more importantly the key aspects of wearable devices and how they will help people perform more tasks. One thing is clear, we are starting to shift to the Voice User Interface.
Needless to say that as more people get access to a Tablet, the Tablet Wars are bound to heat up.