The Different Types of Generative Content

What are the different types of generative content?

Research Note

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Generative content describes the power of AI to create and augment the production of digital assets for the enterprise. From text to images, to voice, and more, generative content can transform the way that business leaders automate the workflows of their organizations.


Aragon Research recently published a Research Note defining the generative content market for enterprise buyers. Generative content is a part of the workflow and content automation (WCA) market, which refers to the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to create or augment the creation of digital assets that were formerly made by human creators. In that Research Note, we gave the example of text generation as one form of generative content that is already making an impact on the enterprise through use cases like the automation of blogging.

However, business leaders should understand that there are different types of generative content, and that these different types of content can add value in different ways. Moreover, these leaders should understand that the ability to generate content is evolving at a different pace depending on the type of content, and so not all these solutions will be practical to implement in the immediate future. In this Research Note, we define the three core types of generative content, exploring their use cases and technical maturity for today’s enterprise.

Research Note Details

Topic: Workflow and Content Automation
Issue: What are the different types of generative content?
Research Note Number: 2022-20

Length: 8 pages
File Size: 1.5 MB
File Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Language: English
Publisher: Aragon Research

Adam Pease Headshots 012920 3

Adam Pease, Associate Analyst and Editor

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