Authors: Jim Lundy, Mike Anderson Date: February 1, 2013
Topics: Workplace Research Note Number: 2013-03
Issues: What are the technologies and architectures that enterprises should leverage in the workplace?
What are the macro trends impacting the evolution of work?
Summary: Aragon Research introduces its Technology Arc for the Workplace. Tech Arcs help our clients evaluate the maturity and market impact of many technologies in the workplace.
In today’s rapidly changing IT landscape, it’s important to understand the significance and probable impact of emerging technologies. This means assessing the maturity and suitability of the entire technical domain in question before making decisions about specific products or services.
That’s the goal of our new research product, the Aragon Research Technology Arc™. It helps you identify important technologies, choose the ones to monitor and determine their potential benefits. It also adds extra dimensions that help you decide when, why and how you should adopt them.
The Technology Arc for the Workplace reviews the key technologies and products that most people use in the workplace. It encompasses three sequential maturity arcs: emerge, adopt and mature.
This Technology Arc is part of our archived research. Read our latest digital workplace coverage to get the most up to date insights.