August 11, 2014
The New General (Manager) at IBM Kenexa and Smarter Workforce
By Jim Lundy IBM bought Kenexa in August 2012 and this week, the final integration was completed and with that, comes a new leader, IBM Veteran Debbie Landers, who is the new General Manager for IBM’s HCM-focused bus
August 4, 2014
Google Makes Stronger Play for Businesses with Hangouts
View a PDF of this First Cut. Author: David Mario Smith Topics: Collaboration Issue: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve? Summary: The Google Hangouts announcement is a competi
July 28, 2014
IBM Unleashes Kenexa Talent Suite for a Smarter Workforce
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Jim Lundy Topics: Social HCM Issue: Who are the social HCM providers and how will they evolve? Summary: IBM released a video-based Social Learning
July 24, 2014
IoT and the Connected Home Infographic
To learn more about IoT and the Connected Home, check out the blog that inspired this infographic.Worn Out Over Wearables
By Ashima Agrawal There has been a lot of hype recently about wearable technology being the next big thing in the tech world. Recently, the Aragon Research interns got to try out the Fitbit Flex and the
July 23, 2014
IoT and the Connected Home
By Jim Lundy It is clear that the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon has already become very real on the home and consumer market front. I was recently in the market for a new home security system and ended up a
July 18, 2014
IBM and Apple Partnership Will Give Apple a Boost in the Enterprise
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Jim Lundy Topics: Mobile Issue: Who are the mobile providers and how will they evolve? Summary: On July 15, 2014, IBM and Apple announced an exclusi
July 17, 2014
Pebble Smart Watch Blog
Toward the end of June, the interns of Aragon went to Target and picked up some awesome wearable devices—a GoPro, a Fitbit, and a Pebble Smart Watch. For the past few weeks, I’ve been wearing the Pebble and loving everFitbit Flex Wearable Project, Part II
By Ashima Agrawal I have been wearing my Fitbit Flex for a few weeks now. In Part I of this post, I mentioned how excited I was to see how my patterns would change, but the reality is, I didn’t see that much change in
July 16, 2014
Vidyo: On a Mission to Video-Enable the Internet of Things
View a PDF of this First Cut. Author: David Mario Smith Topics: Collaboration Issue: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve? Summary: In its fifth round of funding, Vidyo takes $20M
July 14, 2014
Video and the Internet of Things
At our offsite last week, we got to know our new Parrot Drone. Watch the video to see what David Mario Smith has to say:
July 8, 2014
Fitbit Flex Wearable Project, Part I
By Ashima Agrawal On Monday, June 30th, I went with the other Aragon Research interns to Target to pick up some neat wearable technology devices. We purchased a GoPro, a Pebble smartwatch, and a Fitbit Flex. I get to
July 3, 2014
Cisco Buys Assemblage, Boosting Its Cloud Collaboration Strategy
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: David Mario Smith Topics: Collaboration Issue: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve? Summary: Cisco’s acquisition of Assembl
July 1, 2014
Microsoft Lync has a 3D Virtual Environment Secret Weapon–Proton Media
By Jim Lundy The 3D virtual environment wars are here and Facebook, Google, and even Microsoft are making moves into the 3D world. Facebook bought Oculus for $2 billion and Google is not standing still with 3D effortVideo Blog – Aragon Interns Go to Target
Aragon Research's summer interns took a trip to Target to check out some of the newest wearable technology. They left the store with a GoPro, a Pebble smart watch, and a Fitbit Flex. They're excited to use them and see how
June 26, 2014
Week 1 at Aragon Research: Intern Edition
With the end of week one, we are thrilled to continue growing and learning here at Aragon Research. We have accomplished so much in just the short time we have been here and we are excited to share these experiences with yAragon Publishes Globe for Social Software, 2014
June 26, 2014/Palo Alto, CA Aragon Research, a new technology focused research and advisory services firm, announced the publication of its second Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Social Software. The Aragon Research
June 25, 2014