Business and IT Glossary  > Intelligent Content Analytics (ICA)

Intelligent Content Analytics (ICA)

Intelligent content analytics (ICA) is a business category that goes beyond the traditional store-and-secure approach to content management to enable actionable insights using modern artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Intelligent content analytics refers to the use of analytics to derive insights from content where the text or a higher level abstraction of meaning—called a concept—has been organized in a model that can be mechanically processed. Content analytics generally includes, but provides more value than, simple text analytics, because ICA can help with predictions and analysis based on these higher level concepts. ICA can be broken into a few categories: document and contract analytics, image and video analytics, and voice analytics.

ICA aims to help enterprises operate more efficiently and grow revenue with less risk and intelligent content analytics platforms (ICAPs) will allow enterprises to search and manage this content to drive better and more insightful decision-making using predictive analytics.

To see ICA related research and content visit our ICA topic page >