How Does Video Supercharge the Enterprise?
by Nicole Speciale
The visual workplace has become the new norm. Between advancements in video applications and technologies and the growing presence of video for personal use, video’s power in the enterprise has taken off.
This blog overviews the importance of video for business, the technologies behind the video boom, and what to look for in an Enterprise Video provider.
Video Conferencing and Live Streaming
Leveraging video in the enterprise is a crucial strategy for maintaining engagement on both the employee and customer fronts. Video conferencing is a key part of a comprehensive communications and collaboration strategy. It enables a more personalized approach to interaction and can help maintain cohesion, especially amongst remote and on-the-go workers.
From a consumer standpoint, webinars and live streaming are a way to feel more engaged with brands of interest. Live streaming has become a popular practice on social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, and offers brands a chance to intimately connect with current and potential customers and offer unique insights into the business.
Fostering this connection between business and consumer is crucial for establishing and maintaining customer loyalty. This is all part of building stronger customer journeys, which is an essential task for enterprises.
Mobility Apps and Video Portals
Exchanging videos and using online video platforms for leisure and quick knowledge access is now part of everyday life. Facebook feeds are flooded with videos, and when we need to fix something, we often turn to YouTube for a quick tutorial. As with many other technologies, enterprise practices (and eventually norms) take after personal ones, so it is easy to see how video has become prominent in the enterprise.
Mobility apps and video portals are two aspects that have simplified video accessibility. The ability to access videos on any device and from anywhere has largely contributed to the expansion of video. Ease of use and accessibility are essential for maintaining momentum and productivity. Video portals have surfaced within enterprises, creating a “corporate Netflix.” These platforms are expanding to integrate outside content, not just internal videos, which is important for being able to offer as much knowledge as possible, while keeping information fresh and interesting.
Many enterprises still do not have a video portal, which is a disadvantage because it means missing out on the benefits of knowledge-sharing/learning and accessibility to new ideas.
Analytics for the Win
AI-based video and content analytics help enterprises make the most out of digital content. Video analytics can provide valuable insights and extract important data that would either be very difficult and time-consuming to do by hand or challenging to objectively interpret.
Some vendors can provide sentiment analysis, an incredibly valuable tool for situations like sales calls (via video) where a sales rep wants to gather data on how information is being received. For example, sentiment analysis may indicate that the prospect’s expression does not match their words, and a sales rep may be able to adjust their pitch in real time to try to re-engage them.
Enterprise Video Platforms: What to Look For
There are several key capabilities that enterprises should look for when trying to select an Enterprise Video Platform. These include:
- Capture/recording and publishing capabilities
- Video Content Management/portals
- Live video options
- Content analytics
It is important to not underestimate the importance of video in the enterprise; from learning, to fostering customer loyalty, to gaining crucial insights from digital content, video can help take your enterprise to the next level.
For more information on Enterprise Video, check out Aragon’s recently published GlobeTM for Enterprise Video for 2018 and stay tuned for Aragon’s Hot VendorsTM in Video Analytics.
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