Business and IT Glossary  > Enterprise Video (EV)

Enterprise Video (EV)

Enterprise video (EV), formerly video content management (VCM), has become a critical category for the management and distribution of video files. Enterprise video is gaining traction because enterprises need to share rapidly increasing volumes of video content. In the past, a form of VCM called digital asset management has also been used to manage video, but from an internal perspective.

EV focuses on managing small and large video files as easily as documents—something that traditional enterprise content management (ECM) systems struggle with since they were designed mainly to deal with text files. Enterprise video uses advanced technology to search inside video files so users can access the right video documents and even specific sequences within them.

Many EV platforms also provide a video portal (an "enterprise YouTube") to surface video content for users to interact with. We will see live video analytics become major points of focus going forward for EV providers. For more, view our coverage page for enterprise video.