Mobile First and Mobile LRN: It’s Still a Journey; Have You Started?
By Jim Lundy
At Oracle World this week, I was struck by the fact that while the world has gone mobile, many enterprises are still thinking about it.
Have you made the shift to mobile? Many enterprises haven’t. Instead, they are just focused on doing responsive apps. But that’s not enough. This blog is about the need to go mobile.
The Future of Work Is Mobile
In a recent blog post, we discussed the need for corporate training to go mobile. While this still proves to be a critical point, the enterprise as a whole needs to have a bigger focus on mobile.
Millennials want to use mobile devices not only as consumers, but as workers. They’re looking for products and services that are mobile, and they’re looking to find these entities in their workplace. But what is required of a mobile workplace? The biggest thing that is needed for the mobile workplace is content, and the race for content is a big race.
Is Learning Content Slowing You Down?
Learning content is still a huge area of opportunity. In our recent webinar on Mobile First with Expertus, we discussed the need to go mobile for learning content. We referred to this as what we call the content dilemma.
How to remedy this? For starters, key steps to take include planning content migration. A lot of content is Flash-enabled and this needs to be mitigated so that courses are able to run on mobile. Follow our planning recommendations in Figure 1.
Bottom Line
The bottom line? Don’t wait to get started in migrating your content. At the same time, keep asking questions of your HCM providers: Ask about what they are doing in mobile. If you have questions about your learning content, feel free to give us a call for a free inquiry.
Editor’s Note:
Make sure you take a look at our newest conference, PCMC. Business leaders will be attending and mobile is one of the key tracks.
Recent Research:
- The Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Mobile Management Software, 2014
- The Future of Collaboration Is Mobile
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