Our Final 2020 Aragon Cares Activity: Adopt-A-Family
It’s always fun to choose an Aragon Cares activity to participate in each month. But when it comes to December, we don’t even think twice about it. December means it is time to ‘adopt a family’ (or two) through St. Catherine’s church for the holiday season.
The Adopt-A-Family Program
The adopt-a-family program, hosted by St. Catherine of Alexandria church in Morgan Hill, CA, is truly special. This program is designed to help families in need, that without help, wouldn’t be able to have any gifts to open this holiday season.
I think this quote from the website of St. Catherine’s church is important: “Doing without things that most of us take for granted is a way of life for some families in our community.”
We encourage you to find a similar adopt-a-family or giving tree program in your area!
Our Experience
Aragon was matched with two families this year, both residing in Morgan Hill, CA. First, we were provided with a wishlist from each family, containing 2 gifts that each family member wishes for. Next, we picked out, purchased, and wrapped the gifts for each family member. Lastly, we got to deliver the gifts directly to the families (with masks and social distancing measures, of course!).
I may have said this before, but this Aragon Cares activity is truly one of my favorites. While we may not know this family, their current situation, or why they are in need, the donation still feels personal. We get to know each family member’s name and age, and pick out the perfect gift for them based on their wishes. It brings us joy to imagine that these families we were matched with now get to wake up on Christmas morning and have presents to open. Along with the presents, we were able to provide each family with a grocery store gift card to help with the costs of food during the holiday season.
Lessons Learned
- The Christmas season may be happy for some, but for those in need, it can be very discouraging to face the reality that they cannot provide gifts for their families.
- No matter where you are in the world, you don’t have to go far to help others in need.
- Basic necessities that some take for granted are not attainable for some families.
- Helping others brings a whole new sense of joy during the holiday season!
Our Aragon Cares calendar for 2021 is filling up with new and exciting opportunities for us to help others in our community! Stay tuned to follow our Aragon Cares adventures in the upcoming months.
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