Author: David Mario Smith Date: December 31, 2013
Topic: Collaboration Research Note Number: 2013-T2
Issue: What collaboration technologies and architectures should enterprises leverage?
Summary: Interest in real-time web and video conferencing has exploded now that most devices are equipped with cameras. Enterprises are moving to leverage this technology, often led by business units using consumer services to race ahead of their IT shops. The marketing webinar has become a key use for these ad hoc deployments, but CMOs and digital marketing leaders quickly learn two things. The first is that most consumer services lack the necessary features to deliver full business value, and that they need to invest in more robust and focused tools. The second is that effective webinars require planning, preparation and trained participants with a mix of technical and non-technical skills. This toolkit will help producers put together the right tools, staff and skills to create webinars that deliver their full potential value.
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