Corporate Learning: Three Success Factors You Need to Know About
by Nicole Speciale
Corporate learning is making a comeback in the enterprise and it is a vital resource for enhancing employee knowledge.
Today, corporate learning functions with the goals of getting to faster business outcomes and improving the quality of customer interactions with the enterprise. More refined skill sets and a broader knowledge base equip employees with the information and talent needed to effectively address obstacles, while promoting enterprise growth.
This blog overviews three key pieces of corporate learning and how they offer strong value.
Microlearning and Video: Comprehension & Retention
Aragon’s Visual Research is a key example of why microlearning and video content are effective knowledge-sharing tools. In this era, knowledge needs to be able to keep up with workers who are often on-the-go, under a time crunch, and simply need the most important details in a short window of time.
Microlearning is the process by which information is broken down into easy-to-digest components at a specific time, and when most relevant. This ensures that learners can grasp the concepts and remember and apply them going forward. Think of microlearning as the opposite of cramming for finals wherein the learner attempts to digest robust volumes of information but ditches the mental content storage shortly after the exam.
Since people are more likely to remember information from a visual source, like video, it is no surprise that video learning has taken off. It is estimated that people can remember 80% of the videos they have seen in the last 30 days. Video learning is a crucial success factor for augmenting and maintaining knowledge within the enterprise.
Collaboration: Productivity & Knowledge Exposure
Collaboration, either in-person or by various modes of Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC), is important for knowledge sharing, exposure to a range of perspectives and expertise, and promoting effective work outputs.
Collaboration can take on many forms in the enterprise. If not in person, then other options for communication and collaboration include audio and video calls, messaging, email, and collaborative documents (like those within Google Drive).
Collaboration can also play a large role in knowledge retention, as people are more likely to remember facts if they are explaining them to others. Collaboration and UCC technologies support this, along with increasing the chances that people are exposed to new information and productivity tools.
Analytics: Quantifying and Refining a Corporate Learning Strategy
Analytics can help quantify the impact of corporate learning on business productivity and outcomes. For management, it can be challenging to accurately assess the impact of corporate learning. The growth of better content analytics can be especially useful for trying to understand what is working well and which courses are candidates for improvement.
With the expansion of the learning market and the growth of new content providers, enterprises have a wide selection of learning offerings. Understanding what employees and teams need to know is the first step toward a better learning strategy, and leveraging better courseware analytics can keep refining it.
For more information, refer to Aragon Research’s page for corporate learning.
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