Special Report: The Social Enterprise
Aragon Research has a new Special Report that overviews the shift towards a Social Enterprise. We have published five different research notes that overview how to leverage this emerging shift.. Read the overview below and then log-in to read the full note.
Why Social Networks Are Replacing Intranets
Social networks are not just “digital water coolers.” Enterprise social networks (ESNs) are replacing the corporate intranet as the most comprehensive and reliable place to find information about a company and the people who work there. In fact, many of the most useful functions of an intranet can now be moved to an ESN: expertise location, learning and training, content sharing, peer feedback and management performance ratings, brainstorming for innovation, and building communities of practice across business units. You can access this research note here.
Shifting from a Social to an Enterprise Profile
ESNs mean profiles, and these profiles contain invaluable yet potentially isolated information about your colleagues. To ensure accuracy, timeliness and relevance, the social profile has to evolve into an enterprise profile: a managed profile that unites HCM, social-sourced, inferred and certified information about people. The profile is a critical element in an ESN strategy; it allows the company to identify and leverage its existing expertise and intellectual capital as well as synergies that were previously unknown. Bottom line: it’s not about the profiles; it’s about the people. Imagine your colleague across the country who has just the right complementary knowledge and skills to combine with yours and make you a star. Wouldn’t you like to know that? Wouldn’t your boss? You can access this research note here.
The Five Priorities of a Social HCM Strategy
What’s the difference between your Facebook profile and your HR file? Maybe not as much as you think there is:Human capital and talent management (HCM) is going social. Social tools are increasing productivity a lot of ways in business, and HCM is no exception. “Social HCM” offers new levels of engagement that can help enterprises push the productivity equation. This note explores five areas where social has an impact.
We’ll show you how to build an HCM strategy for the future; how to evaluate your suppliers carefully and examine their roadmaps for strong social HCM product strategies; and how to use ESNs to leverage increased sharing and community. You can access this research note here.
Will Social Networks Replace Email?
It’s hard to imagine life without email, but in the Facebook era, social networks have begun to replace email as the primary form of interaction between coworkers, customers and partners. Email will not disappear soon but its role in enterprise collaboration is beginning to shift. Today, email is primarily used to share content, and as a de facto content archive. As a result, a lot of critical enterprise information is locked inside email repositories. This Research Note discusses how email’s role is changing, and how its traditional communication role is being taken over by social networks and real-time modalities like instant messaging. You can access this research note here.
Socializing and Rating Content: a new ECM Priority
Everyone wants to find and use the best content. Letting people discuss and evaluate – and, effectively, influence – the value of the content that they use in their work adds a new dimension to content management. The extra layer of ratings, reviews and comments that readers add to the content provides a grass-roots discovery and measurement system that will raise the overall quality of content in the enterprise. When users share content and rate it they provide three advantages: They keep the social network vibrant with new content and their own input; they read widely, surface the best and most valuable content, and inform everyone about it; and they drive more of their colleagues to create and share better content.
If you are not yet a client of Aragon Research, contact Sales (sales@aragonresearch.com) to setup a discussion with an analyst and plan out your shift to a Social Enterprise.