Business Transformation: Common EA and Business Architecture Questions

Business Transformation: Common EA and Business Architecture Questions

Research Note

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Over the past 2 years, we have produced research notes and webinars on business transformation. One of the popular themes is the role that EA leaders and business architects can enable this transformation.

Here we discuss common questions we hear from clients about the role of EAs.

Key Takeaways

EAs and Business Architects can be an invaluable resource to support the holistic view that is needed to support transformation. They can serve as visionary, counselor/advisor, guide, and expert.

Apply governance and metric frameworks to business transformation as well as automation, optimization, or modernization efforts. Business transformation must be managed as an on-going effort.

Research Note Details

Topic: Business Transformation
Issue: How can organizations leverage enterprise architecture and use business architecture to support business transformation? 
Research Note Number: 2022-49

Length: 8 pages
File Size: 0.7 MB
File Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Language: English
Publisher: Aragon Research

betsy burton

Betsy Burton, VP of Research

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