Enterprise Content Management (ECM): Then vs. Now
by Nicole Speciale
Over the past four years, enterprise content management (ECM) has grown dramatically. This is largely due to the development of newer technologies and increased accessibility to enterprise content in different forms and from various devices. This blog breaks down ECM as it was in 2014, compared to its current state.
Workflow Adds Content Automation
Workflow in 2014 looked very different than it does now, and content automation has changed the game for work productivity. Aragon defines workflow and content automation as “a business category that combines workflow capabilities integrated with intelligent document generation to allow the creation of smart document processes that can be easily analyzed to know what is and is not working in an enterprise.”
Automation allows individuals in the workplace to minimize or eliminate manual processes. Speed is essential for digital transformation so automating processes wherever possible is key.
Team Collaboration Meets Integration
Integration has become increasingly important in the enterprise as workers have become more remote and therefore, are having to access critical content and communicate from various devices. Today, remote workers may need to access a document on-the-go or attend a meeting remotely via a smartphone or laptop. Integrated tools that support team collaboration (communications platforms, Google Drive, etc.) are the cornerstone of unified communications and collaboration (UCC).
Digital Transaction Management Is Essential
Digital transaction management (DTM) is a business application that uses cloud-based software and services to digitally manage a wide range of document-centric business processes involving people, documents, data, and transactions both inside and outside the firewall. In the digital age, DTM is one major feature that separates competitive enterprises from those that still must catch up.
Intelligent Content Analytics for 20/20 Visibility
Intelligent content analytics (ICA) is a business category that goes beyond the traditional store-and-secure approach to content management to enable actionable insights using modern artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. ICA is important because it helps enterprises operate more efficiently and grow revenue with less risk. ICA can provide deep insights that can be leveraged for guidance to reach enterprise goals. Since a lot of insight is locked away unused within data, many enterprises are unable to tap into these valuable resources. ICA can help maximize the benefits of collecting data in the first place.
For more information on ECM and the technologies driving the changes within this market, refer to the following:
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