How Do Technology Providers Reach Enterprise Architects?

Research Note

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Key Takeaways

  • Many organizations and individuals continue to confuse and conflate the role of an enterprise architect and other architect roles.
  • A significant number of people have the “Enterprise Architect” job title that are not really taking on an “Enterprise Architect” role, but rather are in the role of application architect, solution architects information architect, or technology architect, etc. 
  • To effectively communicate with this body of people, providers must clearly identify their focus on a particular role, and use this to drive their messaging, remembering that titles may not always convey a workers’ true function.


Many organizations and individuals continue to confuse and conflate the role of an enterprise architect and other architect roles. To be effective in communicating and marketing to architects, TSPs must be clear about what architecture roles are important to them, and what messaging will reach that role. And then TSPs must understand the characteristics of enterprise architecture roles to ensure they are communicating with the properly targeted individuals within any organization.


Research Note Details

Topic: Business Architecture
Issues: How do organizations use business architecture to guide strategic and tactical investment decisions?
Research Note Number: 2022-23

Length: 11 pages
File Size: 906 KB
File Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Language: English
Publisher: Aragon Research

VP Research Betsy Burton


Betsy Burton, VP Research and Aragon Fellow