The technology arc can function as a strategic guide for investors and enterprise strategists. Having a global overview of the market players and how long they can be expected to stay relevant is an invaluable tool for those hoping to optimize their long-term business plan. The Arc encompasses three sequential maturity arcs: Emerge, Adopt, and Mature.

The Technology Arc will enable enterprises to understand both the maturity of the technology in a market, as well as its potential impact on the enterprise.Screen Shot 2021 11 04 at 3.09.54 PM

The extra ratings include:

- Normal Maturity
- Transformative Potential
- Cost-Saving Opportunity


The Technology Arc is divided into three different arcs: Emerge, Adopt, and Mature.

The Emerge Arc is when the technology or capability first starts to appear as a viable technology that can be leveraged in product. The first part of emergence is when the technology appears outside of a pure research environment. Commercial pilots and first-generation product offerings appear in the first half of the Emerge Arc, followed by the growth of the market that includes the technology.

The Adopt Arc is when the technology is part of a product suite and is starting to be adopted into products, or general adoption of the product class itself is going on. The first third to first half section of the arc indicates that the entry is still in an early-adoption phase.

The Mature Arc reflects the fact that all technologies mature. In this phase, the opportunity to gain efficiencies through lower costs is larger than earlier phases. Some enterprises wait for maturation before attempting to deploy.

As is often the case, enterprises that wait for a technology to mature are often looking to leverage it for cost reasons. The trade-off is that by waiting, transformational opportunities are not lost, but they could have been captured sooner in the lifecycle. Enterprises need to understand their culture and be able to pinpoint when they may be taking a conservative view of technology.

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