We are entering an era of pervasive video. Video is not just a curiosity or a way to add sizzle to your Web site; it’s becoming a fundamental medium of business communication. Video is the new document.
YouTube has made everyone comfortable with video that doesn’t come from Hollywood, and they enjoy making and sharing it just as much as watching it. Turns out they’re doing it at work, too, and it’s not just for goofing off – it’s part of the business process. What will you do with all the video that employees are making and sharing in the workplace? See Why You Need an Enterprise YouTube.
Eyes On Manufacturing
There’s a lot to see in a manufacturing plant, and video lets you keep an eye on all of it: high-speed process control, microscopic quality inspection, safety and security. And, as in every business, collaboration: see the people you’re talking to, examine parts together, call in experts, make “eyes-on” decisions, boost efficiency and productivity. Learn Four Ways To Succeed In Manufacturing.
Putting Video To Work
Inspired by YouTube and empowered by smartphones, employees are making their own video because it’s a great way to communicate and transmit knowledge. Video has real business value but it’s also a large data type that’s hard to search and hard on storage and network infrastructures, including traditional ECM systems. Find out Why You Need Video Content Management.
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