Business and IT Glossary > Intelligent Contact Center (ICC)
Intelligent Contact Center (ICC)
The contact center provides an integrated interface for all supported communication channels between the enterprise—represented by human and/or software agents (bots)—and its customers.
Today, a typical omnichannel contact center supports communication via some combination of voice, video, and text input, which may originate from mobile or stationary devices, and include email and chat conversations. Advanced contact centers may go beyond responding to explicit input through these channels to scan social media for references to the enterprise.
An intelligent contact center (ICC) uses modern artificial intelligence technologies to provide more personalized or natural communication with customers through an improved human-computer interface (HCI) and/or continuously improving internal processes— such as resource identification and routing—based on success metrics from historical data rather than by reprogramming. For more, view our coverage page on the intelligent contact center.
Related Research
The Aragon Research Globe for Intelligent Contact Centers, 2021
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