Design Matters: The Aragon Research Website Gets a New Look
By Patricia Lundy

How Appearance Communicates Information
Appearance is an economic way of getting information because it runs the first impression. When it comes to a company, social media can help cultivate this first impression, but the website drives it home.
If the website isn’t up to par with the rest of the brand, a good first impression could quickly turn into an opt-out, and that quickly kills the opportunity to further the potential customer-business relationship.
Design in the B2B Sphere
Aragon Research is a research and advisory firm, and our clients are businesses. Although we’re not selling a consumer good, design still matters for our success as a company. People want to look at visually-appealing content, whether it be an image included with a tweet or a captivating video embedded in a blog.
Unfortunately, our previous website design needed a facelift, so we dove in for an update to attract as many potential customers as possible.
Our new design embodies an aesthetic that fits who we are as a company. The professional, vibrant, and innovative new design gives the viewer the exact impression that we wish to impress upon them. Just because we’re a B2B company doesn’t mean we can let aesthetic slide.
User Experience
And it’s not just about looks. Ease of use is the second most important facet of a website. I’ll admit that previously, our calls to action were rather buried under different aspects of the website. But your user wants direction. They want calls to action that are clear, concise, and easy to find. If it takes them several minutes to find a call to action instead of a few seconds, they will probably choose not to act.
With our new design, our calls to action are immediately more apparent. Hopefully this will result in more users choosing to download free notes and query for a vendor briefing.
We’re thrilled with our new design. Something as simple as a new website can have drastic results on website traffic, clicks, and downloads. What do you think of our new look?
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