How Apple Ushered in a New Era of Computing
By Jim Lundy
A new era of computing is upon us. It involves touch and voice, simplicity and apps that let people do amazing things. It is one in which the operating system stays in the background and doesn’t get in the way of people doing work, watching movies, playing games or listening to music. In other words, after nearly five years of iOS, users expect their computing devices to work and to work reliably.
More than any other vendor, Apple has made that dream of computers helping people more of a reality. Gone are DLL errors and tons of work to get the device configured in just the right way. The new way of computing in 2012 is you open the box, turn on the device, enter your id and off you go.
How is the world different today? Steve Jobs created a team at Apple that, much like what Walt Disney did with the Imagineers at Disney, envisioned a future that most of us could not. Innovation in computing means simplicity. Today, children less than a year old can master how to use an app on an iPhone or an iPad. That was unheard of five years ago. More importantly, children who are 3-5 years old are extremely adept at the use of Tablets like the Apple iPad. We expect other providers to follow suit with improvements in simplicity and ease of use.
How did this all come to be? The iPad has been on the market for less than 23 months and in that time 55.5 million units have been sold. The tag line is Post PC era, but with touch, voice and other innovations coming, it is more than a Post PC era. We’ve entered an era where computers assist people in doing things in increasingly elegant ways.
This month Aragon Research is publishing our special report on Apple in the Enterprise. Whether it is Macs, iPhones or iPads, we’ve got you covered, especially with our brand new 60 page report on Tablets and Mobile Ecosystems.
Our special report consists of:
– Tablet and Mobile Ecosystem Strategic Report
– The Long Term Test of Macs in Enterprise, Education and Consumer Environments
– The Toolkit for enabling and using Macs in the Enterprise
– Questions and Answers about Apple in the Enterprise
You will be hearing more about this premium research later this week. In the meantime, sign-up for our webinar on February 24th: The Clash of the Mobile Titans: Apple vs Google vs Microsoft. The battle for end user computing is on. Don’t miss this webinar. Sign-up here.
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